Stop Being A Real Estate Socialite! Real Estate Is A ‘Contact’ Sport’!

Most real estate agents are like 'socialites'! They love the ‘social-side’ of the business: monthly Realtor luncheons, annual picnics, prepping-for & attending open houses, being on every committee at the Board...etc.! They’re also like spectators’ at sporting events: tailgating, partying in the parking-lot before & after the game, and ‘sitting in the stands’ drinking a beer and watching others ‘play the game’!

If you want to be a successful, consistently productive real estate agent, get out of your seat, get down from the stands and get on the ‘field-of-play’! Get in the game! Real estate is a ‘sport’... not a social-event! Not just any kind of sport…a ‘Contact’ Sport!

In this day and age, with the rapid growth of technology, too many real estate agents, especially the newbies, tend to ‘hide’ behind ‘social media’: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat etc. Don’t misinterpret what I am saying! To be competitive in today’s real estate market, you MUST BE on 'social media'but not to the ‘exclusion’ of  being eye-to-eye, toe-to-toe, belly-to-belly with sellers, buyers and referral-contacts! Real estate brokerage is still very much a ‘Contact Sport’!

This is particularly true when it comes to the most important ‘daily activities’ for a real estate agent: prioritized/‘proactive prospecting and lead generationYES... you’re a real estate agent facilitating the brokerage of real estate....BUT you're in the ‘Lead-Generation' Business!

Sure, participating in the office’s ‘reactive’ pay-to-play  Lead Generation 'System', or ‘subscribing’ to an out-sourced 'system', will generate ‘leads’ for you… ‘inorganic’/low-level leads to be more precise! NOT the type of leads you want to BUILD your business around… especially when you don’t own or control ‘The System’! With a ‘sale’ of 'The System’ (which happens often!) your leads could ‘dry-up’/‘disappear’ overnight! Then what? Your business is likely to go into ‘free-fall’!

Instead, focus on being “proactive’ and generating you own ‘organic’ leads!  Intentionally focus on generating high-quality/’organic Listing/Seller Leads! Remember: ‘When you control the Listing/Seller…you control the Sale’! You’re going to make money no matter who sells your listing! Use your ‘proactive’/‘organic’ Lead-Generation Activities to help yourself quickly become ‘a lean, mean listing machine’! Now, that’s working smarter rather than just harder!

Recommended Reading: Differentiate or DieJack Trout

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